L to R: KFS Director, E. Mugo; CS Wakhungu; FKF Chair, K. Njoroge; FKF Board Members Winnie Kiiru and Angelica Kamuyu

Here’s what was left behind in Karura after only 5 days.

Trail Bottles: His, Hers
For Plastics Ban FAQs, please click below
L to R: KFS Director, E. Mugo; CS Wakhungu; FKF Chair, K. Njoroge; FKF Board Members Winnie Kiiru and Angelica Kamuyu
Here’s what was left behind in Karura after only 5 days.
Trail Bottles: His, Hers
For Plastics Ban FAQs, please click below
The Friends of Karura is a Community Forest Association comprising Kenyans and other champions of participatory forest management who are dedicated to protecting for future generations the city’s largest green area, the Karura Forest Reserve.
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