Linked to Karura Environmental Education
  • Karura Video

    Filmmaker Samy Ghannam and his BackStop Productions team have crafted a fine video on Karura and the activities of the Friends of Karura Forest… Spoiler alert: the story is told by two voices, one male and one female. We’ll leave it up to you to guess who the voices belong to: two visitors, or two trees?

    Karura Video

    You know, those of us in the heart of managing the forest tend to focus put at technical matters like security, infrastructure repairs, operations to remove invasive species and replant with indigenous species. But there are other views of Karura, those of beauty and tranquility. All you have to do is look at the majority of comments on social media — Facebook, Twitter TripAdvisor —  most of the people are talking about the beauty of  Karura, the peacefulness, the serenity, the cool leafiness. 

    So we thought for the10th anniversary of FKF in 2019 we’d do a documentary that emphasised not only the achievements of the Friends of Karura and the Kenya Forest Service over the decade, but also the beauty and tranquility that has resulted from those achievements.