Karura Forest Maps

Map of Karura Forest – 7th Edition (beta)

A full-colour detailed A-3 map (produced by Harvey Croze for FKF) is for sale from entrances to the forest for a modest KES 200/=.  All trails and forest features are indicated, including toilets and dogs off-leash areas (in pink on the map).  New junctions markers corresponding to highlighted numbers on the map are being produced to replace the older ones produced for FKF by Pelican Signs. The new map is much easier to use when you are visiting the forest than screenshots of the degraded versions on this webpage. Many thanks to Postel and Travel Discover Kenya for providing free map printing as part of its CSR.

All main junctions on Karura trails are all numbered thanks to a very generous CSR donation from Pelican Signs Ltd. The junction numbers are keyed to the new Karura Forest Map (above) to help visitors get around. For running and walking enthusiasts, there are colour-coded trails: 5 km, yellow; 10 km, blue; and 15 km, green. There are also important reminders of good forest etiquette, such as Do Not Litter and Dogs on Leash (see map below — larger versions will be posted at gates). The northern bike track is also shown with red arrows (see larger map above).

With the building of a bridge across the Karura River beyond Junction 12a, and the new bike trail from Junction 12 to the bridge, bikers can now access the northern bike trail directly from KFEET. The other direct access to the trail is from the ‘Sharks Gate’ (Gate-C) entrance off Kiambu Road. The gate, which is a point of payment for entry fees, is open seven days a week, 06:00 to 18:00 (gate will be locked at 19:00 sharp). There is parking inside the gate and a toilet.

Note that in the northern portion of Karura, two main tracks — Muhugu Trail as well as north of and including half of Wangari Maathai Track — are currently designated Dogs Off-Leash. The Off-Leash areas are clearly marked on the new map.

The popular stretch of Wangari Maathai Track between Gate-C (a.k.a. ‘Sharks’) on Kiambu Road and junction 30 is now a dogs-ON-leash zone.  Dog owners are required to use the new Shady Path spur that now extends from the parking area all the way to to junction 30 (see red dashed line on map below).

South of Wangari Maathai Track (except on the Shady Path) dogs must be on-leash. And Tara Path in the far north is Dogs On-Leash. If you walk your dog on the Off-Leash trails, please keep him or her under Voice Command Control at all times, and don’t allow any chasing of people, bikes or wildlife. Check out the Dog Guidelines.

In July 2013, FKF in cooperation with the Kenya Forest Service commissioned additional security fencing to separate the forest proper from the 50 ha KFS Headquarters compound.

Thanks to the generosity of the trustees of the George Drew Trust, Rupert Watson and Mary Binks donated KES 3m to erect a total of 1.9 km of high-quality electric fencing in two sections (see map below, heavy orange lines). Sanyati Ltd. did the work as on the main Karura fence.
There is a locked gate at the track leading to the Nursery in order to provide access through KFS HQ by prior arrangement. The remaining portions of the FKS compound are protected by the electric fence along the Kiambu Road. The northern section of the TBP (Tropical Biodiversity Project) area has a chain-link fence.
KFS rangers and their families continue to have controlled access to the ‘Ranger Village’ (grey area in upper left of map) through the manned gate at Junction No. 15 until finance is secured to move their dwellings into the newly-secured KFS HQ area.
Before the fence was electrified, FKF Scouts engaged in a major beating exercise to drive a good number of bush pigs and bushbucks into the safety of the forest.

The forest, as Nairobi, has two wet seasons: April to June and October to December. In July and August it is cool, cloudy and dry. From August to December it is sunny and dry. January, February and early March are hot and dry months.

A full-colour detailed A-3 map produced by FKF goes for Ksh. 200