FKF 10th Anniversary Report 2009-2019
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October 2019 marked the 10th anniversary of the registration of Friends of Karura as a Community Forest Association mandated to look after the forest in partnership with the Kenya Forest Service. Click on the link at the bottom to read the report.
The cover page picture captures the opening of the Family Trail to the public, 16 May 2009. Several hundred Nairobians walked from the old gate at Junction 13 the 2.6 km to the Limuru Road Gate-A. The then Minister of Forestry & Wildlife, Noah Wekesa, officially opened the trail and by association all of Karura Forest to a new era of recovery.
Over those ten years since then there have been many challenges and many successes, and FKF is proud to have overcome most of the former and achieved the latter.
The fruits of these efforts have been very sweet, changing so many different lives in so many ways, enlightening the future generation, and helping the forest offer ever better crucial ecosystem services to the city and its denizens.
Karura, the people’s forest forever!
If you want a PDF copy of the FKF Ten Year Report, please click below

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