Indigenous Tree Nursery

The FKF Nursery, located near Amani Garden adjacent to the River Café, nurtures nearly 100 000 indigenous seedlings from 70 different species of trees and shrubs indigenous to Kenya’s upland forests . Many of them are wildlings collected sustainably in the forest. Thousands more have been planted as seeds in the specially-built seedbeds awaiting germination. FKF’s mission to restore Karura to an indigenous ecosystem is well on its way with nearly 50% of the forest already regenerated. In the coming rainy seasons, FKF will be ready with a wide diversity of seedlings to be planted to serve everybody: Colobus monkeys, birds, butterflies, browsing antelopes, and all the recovering populations of wildlife in Karura Forest Reserve.

Seedlings and treelings are for sale at reasonable prices, ready for planting in the forest or at home in your own compound.

For more information contact Ely Kogei:

FKF Indigenous Tree & Shrub Nursery at Amani Garden near the River Café