• The Friends of Karura (FKF)

    Join the FKF

    Membership is open to all people, non-political organisations and corporations who support the FKF mission to protect, manage and sustainably enhance the Karura Forest Reserve.

Apart from providing material support to the conservation and management of Karura Forest Reserve, members also can enjoy free guided tours of the forest, indigenous tree seedlings from the FKF nursery at a 50% discount, and 10% discount on items at the FKF Gift Shop at Gate-A.


Categories Explained

Individual Member

An Individual Member is any adult who adheres to the aims and aspirations of the Friends of Karura Community Forest Association


Resident Associations

Resident Associations that subscribe to the aims and objectives of FKF are welcome to join. Up to two duly authorised representatives may attend FKF general meetings.


Life - Individual

A Life Individual Member pays a one-time fee.


Family Member

A Family pays an annual fee. It covers two registered adults and their children 12 years and under. The family must agree to adhere to the aims and aspirations of the Friends of Karura Community Forest Association.


Interested Groups

Membership is open to groups such as kids’ clubs, schools and churches. Such groups do not have voting rights but may have two of their members attend FKF meetings.


Life - Family

A Life Family pays a one-time fee. It covers entry by two registered adults and their children 12 years and under.


Juniors/ Students

Youths from the ages of 13 to 23 whose parents are Family Members may join FKF. Youths joining as Students must possess a valid Student Pass. Youths in this category may attend FKF Member meetings, but do not have voting rights.


Corporate Member

Corporate Members are companies or incorporated bodies. Up to two duly authorised representatives may represent the bodies at FKF meetings.


Life - Corporate

A Life Corporate Member pays a one-time fee. Membership is open to companies, incorporated bodies or institutions.

  • Not yet a Member?

    Join Now

    Membership is open to all people, organisations and corporations who support the FKF mission to protect, manage and enhance the Karura Forest Reserve.  Apart from providing material support to the conservation and management of Karura Forest Reserve, members also can enjoy free guided tours of the forest, indigenous tree seedlings from the FKF nursery at a 50% discount, and 10% discount on items at the FKF Gift Shop at Gate-A.


    Methods of Payment


    Choose Lipa na M-PESA (“Pay with M-Pesa”) and then select Pay Bill. Then select Enter business no. and key in 838602, the FKF Business Number. When asked to Enter account no., please enter your full name.


    Cheque payments should be made to “Friends of Karura Comm. Forest Ass.” and dropped at Karura Forest House located at Gate-A of the Karura Forest Reserve, Limuru Road, Nairobi, Kenya.

    Online Payments

    Online payments can be made through the Donations & Payment portal by clicking the link below. Here payments direct to FKF can be accepted securely using Visa, MasterCard, MPesa, Airtel Money, and several bank and other options.