Karura Title Deeds Revoked
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In July 2017 the Kenya National Land Commission revoked 151 title deeds issued under dubious circumstances during the 1990s.  Nearly thirty percent of Karura Forest Reserve had been earmarked for housing developments.

Illegal Land Allocations Now Revoked

What might have been! On the Google Earth image above we show the areas (in red) of Karura Forest Reserve that had been extra-legally allocated. Many if not most of those were on the list that were recently revoked by the Nairobi Land Commission. But we are not yet out of the woods. Lest we get complacent, the little strip of yellow along the UNEP-ICRAF boundary comprises four ‘plots’ of around 5 ha in total that are currently under contention. So is the the small area to the northeast historically cut off from the main forest by Kiambu Road, which, though under dispute, has recently been newly-developed by FKF and KFS as the Karura Gardens events and picnic site. These few remaining areas were NOT on the NLC’s gazetted list. The struggle continues!

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