Have you noticed the difference during your walks or runs under Eucalyptus plantations compared to the lush, indigenous forest areas? The ambiance, the sounds of birds, butterflies, and other wildlife—it’s
Send entries (3 max per person, include camera data) to photocomp2024@karurafriends.org. Visit Forest Activities page for full competition rules…
Smoking bhang is a criminal offense… Are you planning to spend your time in our beautiful forest like this? If found with illegal substances, you will be reported
The continual voicing of concerns by dog-shy walkers and runners has led FKF to devise a win-win solution in the northern sector of Karura Forest.The ‘Shady Path’ parallel to Wangari
You are entering a natural forest ecosystem as guests of the plants and wildlife who call it home. Respect their habitat by following simple rules…
Here’s are updated Karura Forest Fees, and, for ease of reference, we have included an annotated version…
In order to provide a pleasant experience for dogs, owners and other forest visitors, please adhere to some simple guidelines.
In order to provide a pleasant experience for dogs, owners and other forest visitors, please adhere to some simple guidelines.
In order to provide a pleasant experience for dogs, owners and other forest visitors, please adhere to some simple guidelines.
The Friends of Karura is a Community Forest Association comprising Kenyans and other champions of participatory forest management who are dedicated to protecting for future generations the city’s largest green area, the Karura Forest Reserve.
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