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NEW RUBBISH POLICY.  Following consideration of the growing solid waste problem at Karura Forest picnic sites, the FKF Board has decided to implement:  YOU BRING IT IN, YOU TAKE IT OUT.
With immediate effect, we are asking all visitors — particularly picnickers —  to help keep Karura clean and rubbish-free by following the new guideline.
Karura picnic sites are being overwhelmed by rubbish.

Post-Christmas rubbish collection from just one site over two days at this collection point near KFEET.  Bushpigs breached the takataka holding cage much to the unhealthy delight of Sykes monkeys, slender mongooses, porcupines, and other animals.

Your FKF forest custodians really cannot continue to be the garbage collectors for picnickers.
Walkers and runners usually carry their re-usable trail bottle and perhaps a light trail snack in their pockets. Picnickers typically bring foodstuffs in containers and wrappings, so the new policy should pose no problem to carry those containers and wrappers out again — even lighter, since the food and drink is  all in their bellies at the end of the day.  
So, please ensure that you bring your drinks in re-usable bottles, your foodstuffs in re-usable bags and containers.  And all the non-reusable stuff —  please put it back in your bag and carry it out. (DON’T DUMP IT ON KENYA’S ROADS!) 
Note also that the Karura Forest ban on plastic bottles and bags shall now be strictly enforced at all five of Karura’s Picnic Sites: KFEET, Amani Garden, Ruaka River, and Karura Garden.

Bushpig families: nighttime picnickers

The good news is that visitors to Karura Forest are reacting very positively to last year’s ban on disposable plastics: they are bringing re-usable bottles and bags into the forest.  Full marks to you all!
Thanks for your continuing support in keeping Karura Secure, Safe, Serene…. and CLEAN.

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