Karura Forest Map Revision 4 Now Available
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The latest Karura map is out, available for 200/= at the entry gates and FKF office. All tracks and sites of special interest have been updated, and the new junctions numbers indicated. The map has been printed by Postel and Travel Discover Kenya free of charge for the Friends of Karura.
The Map is a good example of how your Community Forest Association gets things done in Karura. Most of the major security and infrastructure developments undertaken by FKF since inception in 2009 have been through CSR (corporate social responsibly) support from locally-based Kenyan and international corporates, as well as the expertise and pro-bono time of individuals enlisted by the FKF Board. Now the junctions indicated on the map completely match the location of the junction signposts (also a CSR contribution, this one from Pelican Signs). Many thanks to all corporates and individuals (you can see many of them in the link below) who help keep Karura secure, safe and serene!

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